Training Camp and Goal Setting
“Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.”― Jerry RiceToday is August 1st. We are in the dog days of summer. In baseball, the trade deadline just passed and the playoffs are still a month away. But for me, August always reminds me of the beginning of football – training camp. Two-a-days in the hot Arizona sun. My coach, the great Jesse Parker, instilling a vision for the coming season as we then set about the work of preparing. Preparing to go undefeated, preparing to win championships. So in recognition of all of those teams and players out there starting training camp with at least a glimmer of hope that this will be their year I thought I would take a few minutes and talk about the importance of goals when it comes to estate planning and business succession planning.When you start the business succession planning process or estate planning process, it can be a bit overwhelming. It can seem to be an alphabet soup of acronyms that can make the brain swim. But, in reality, these are just tools. Tools that help you achieve your goals. Some tools may be vital and others may never even be removed from the tool box. What is always vital is your vision of where you want to go. Goals, goals for you personally, goals for your family, and goals for your business will drive your planning and will dictate what tools are used and which are irrelevant. In estate planning and family business succession planning, if we can identify and understand your goals, there are most likely tools that can make those goals possible. Goals give us direction. Goals help us have laser focus. Goals make us accountable. Goals drive us.One of the motivational quotes Coach Parker had posted in the locker room was from Henry Ford: “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” Goals help us work through the challenges we will face in the day to day process. So take a few minutes in the coming week and ask yourself these questions:
What are my personal planning goals?
What are my planning goals as it relates to my family?
What are my goals in transitioning my business?
Then let’s get to work making those goals a reality!